Premonition Big Data Analytics

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November 28, 2017

Disruptor Daily Interview with Co-Founder and CIO of Premonition, Toby Unwin

What’s the history of Premonition? Where and how did you begin? What specific problem does Premonition solve? How do you solve it? What’s the future of law? What are the top 3 technologies trends you’re seeing in the legal industry? Why is the legal industry ripe for disruption?
November 22, 2017

‘Dilemmas, Decisions + Data’ – Premonition

This is a Sponsored Thought Leadership article from legal AI analytics company, Premonition, by its UK Director, Ian Dodd. ‘Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored.’ – […]
November 20, 2017

I’m Head of Claims, Get Me Out of Here

aka “I’m Head of Claims, and I’ve Got a Very Bad Feeling About this Case” Suppose you’re Head of Claims or a Claims Manager for a […]
November 9, 2017

Premonition is a Litigation Support Services Company to Watch in 2018

Litigation is a complex practice of law, with many sub-niches requiring specialization in a particular field. However, one thing that brings all litigators together, regardless of […]
October 31, 2017

Man meets Machine beats Man

After my well-known and uncomplimentary views on legal awards ceremonies (you know, the largely arbitrary and ultimately worthless ones the legal directories run) I never thought […]
October 26, 2017

Anecdotes, Analytics and Finding the Best Lawyer

Anyone who tells you “winning isn’t important” usually doesn’t have any skin in the game, or is a member of the legal profession, and whilst lawyers […]
October 26, 2017

Moneyball for Law: An Unfair Advantage?

The term “Moneyball,” after the title of Michael Lewis’ 2003 book on baseball and analytics, has become shorthand for any effort (in any field) that exploits […]
October 25, 2017

AI in Law: 10 Companies to Watch in 2018

AI is advancing into the law field, but it is not replacing lawyers, just complementing them. AI helps lawyers predict what is relevant to a case […]
October 2, 2017
Premonition Big Data Analytics

How Big Data is Transforming Legal Practice

(originally published October 2, 2017 in The Law Society Gazette) Big data is making its presence felt in legal practice in the most direct possible way. […]
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