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May 23, 2017
Premonition Big Data Analytics

The State vs. the People: Legal Analytics Firm Reveals America’s Most-Litigious Government Bodies

Suing the government is, in some respects, the ultimate exercise of a citizen’s freedom from tyranny. In the United States, most levels of government enjoy sovereign […]
May 16, 2017
Premonition Big Data Analytics

Ethical Conundrums in AI

Artificial intelligence and robotics are developing in almost every field and providing a real benefit to society and professions. This article will examine some of the ways […]
May 16, 2017
Premonition Big Data Analytics

Automating the Law: A Landscape of Legal AI Solutions

Legal technology, commonly known as LegalTech, refers to software that enable lawyers to do their jobs more efficiently and cost-effectively. Though very much an emerging sector, LegalTech […]
May 12, 2017

Legal Analytics Firm Ranks 2017’s Top Performing Barristers and Law Firms in UK High Courts

Much has changed in the 18 months since legal analytics firm Premonition released its initial report on the UK’s High Courts. Premonition’s report purported to make […]
October 28, 2016

Legal analytics: Where are the data scientists?

What is it that lawyers do? “They help people navigate complexity and manage enterprise legal risk,” according to Daniel Katz, an expert on emerging legal technology […]
October 19, 2016

Big Data in Legal

Big Data in Legal was last modified: July 28th, 2017 by Jobst Elster | in Legal Management
October 14, 2016

How A.I. Beat the Stock Market by Examining Court Cases

Companies that lose in court will often end up losing in the stock market, too, and a Miami-based startup called Premonition is capitalizing on that basic […]
October 6, 2016

How do you find the right tax lawyer? Look at the numbers.

If you’re facing a tax dispute, you want to hire the best possible lawyer. But how are you supposed to evaluate the skills and experience of […]
October 4, 2016


WINKANSEN VAN NEDERLANDSE ADVOCATEN NU IN AI-DATABASE Nederlandse uitspraken zijn toegevoegd aan Premonition, een litigation database. Dit kunstmatige intelligentie systeem gebruikt big data om te achterhalen […]
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